Bamboo Spa in Midland
On October 11 at 1:22 PM
Men need Me-Time too! Book your mini escape for a Bamboo Men’s MANicure, Real Man’s Pedicure, massage, facial, waxing, and so much more. Call today at 705-526-0222. ?? #guytime #spaguys #MANicure

Bamboo Spa in Midland
On October 09 at 3:53 PM
Thank you! The team at Bamboo Spa is so grateful for your votes in the Midland Mirror Readers' Choice Awards 2018. It is because of your support that we have been named Favourite Aesthetics and Spa. Our very own Frankie Jimenez, RMT has also been voted Favourite Massage Therapist. #grateful #thankful #ReadersChoiceAwards2018 #MidlandMirror ??????

Bamboo Spa in Midland
On October 02 at 10:11 AM
Did you know that Bamboo Spa has a Cedar Far Infrared Sauna onsite? Infrared Saunas are much different than traditional saunas and offer so many benefits for your body and skin. Read on then book your sauna session today: #sauna #infrared #wellness

Bamboo Spa in Midland
On September 27 at 1:56 PM
Thalassotherapy. You’ve probably never heard of this ancient therapeutic practice, let alone the fact that Thalassotherapy Body Wraps are offered here at Bamboo Spa! Find out more about this marine based treatment, the benefits and the history behind it: #bodywrap #ocean #marine #seaweed

Bamboo Spa in Midland
On September 26 at 7:07 PM
This is your last chance to vote for Bamboo Spa as your Favourite Aesthetics and Spa in the Midland 2018 Readers' Choice Awards. Our own Frankie is also nominated as favourite Massage Therapist. Voting closes this Thursday at 5 PM.…/8856383-midland-2018-readers-choi…/ #ReadersChoice #FavouriteAesthetics #FavouriteSpa #FavouriteMassageTherapist

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