About Us
Babygagaa Boutique will be open Wednesday 10am to 4pm, Thursday 1pm to 5pm, Friday 10am to 4pm and Saturday 10am to 3pm. I am located at the back of Hair Fantasy which is my sister Sylvia’s hair salon. You can find me at the back of the building by entering the front door or come around the back to the back door. Please contact me through text (705-534-0034) or email me at gabrielle.gidley@gmail.com.Babygagaa is also found on the website: www.babygagaa.ca where you can buy sets from Comfy Cozy, which is winter sets, from Hot and Sunny: which is summer sets, Maternity Wear for Mama’s, Check out the website for great deals.
Babygagaa Boutique helps out local families through Tidy Time, donation of Gagaa Bucks to Chigamik Wellness Centre and raffle time for Operation Smile in Toronto. I also donate to local families who need clothing for their child due to turmoil. Before Covid I have also donated clothing to children in third world countries, through personal or churches help.
Thank you for all your support, I greatly appreciate it. Gabrielle Gidley, Babygagaa Boutique.