Mortgage Centre, The in Midland
On January 29 at 11:27 AM
Today is #BellLetsTalk Day

Bell Let's Talk launched in 2010 with a focus on building awareness, acceptance and action in mental health. Since then Canadians have taken the conversation around mental health to remarkable heights, making it clear that mental health matters.

Let's keep the conversation going.

#georgianbaymortgages #mentalhealthmatters

Mortgage Centre, The in Midland
On January 28 at 9:14 AM
Cheaper isn't always better!

Sure, a low-rate mortgage might look enticing but where will it leave you in the long run? The Mortgage Centre in Midland will work with you to find the best mortgage product for your needs, now and in the future.

Mortgage Centre, The in Midland
On January 24 at 9:49 AM
Do you know your mortgage's pre-payment penalty charge?

An average big bank mortgage can carry penalties equal to 4 ½% of your outstanding balance. Fair penalty lenders, on an average, are only 1 ½%.

At The Mortgage Centre in Midland, we will work with you to find the right rates going in AND coming out of your mortgage. Give us a call today at 705-526-5445.

Mortgage Centre, The in Midland
On January 20 at 12:05 PM
The Mortgage Centre in Midland wants your opinion!

When you're shopping for a mortgage, do you prefer to:

Go it alone on-line?


Meet face-to-face with a licensed mortgage professional?

Mortgage Centre, The in Midland
On January 14 at 10:46 AM
Buyer beware! An Alberta man applied for a loan online that ended up costing him thousands of dollars ... and he didn't even end up getting the loan!

At The Mortage Centre in Midland, we believe in working with you personally to get you the products and services you need.

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