The War of 1812, The War That Both Sides Won
Authour: Wesley B. Turner, 2nd edition
This publication provides a contemporary look at the period, and included such developments as the 1975 discovery of the Hamilton and Scourge on the bottom of Lake Ontario, and the 1987 discovery of the skeletons of casualties at Snake Hill. In this updated edition the authour includes new insights from recent research, an expanded bibliography and an appendix on weaponry.
This publication provides a contemporary look at the period, and included such developments as the 1975 discovery of the Hamilton and Scourge on the bottom of Lake Ontario, and the 1987 discovery of the skeletons of casualties at Snake Hill. In this updated edition the authour includes new insights from recent research, an expanded bibliography and an appendix on weaponry.
Date Added | 2017-02-24 |
Product Id | 10366769 |