Downtown Midland in Midland
On November 04 at 11:47 AM
Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell visited the Midland Public Library yesterday to speak about the exhibition “Speaking of Democracy." The Lieutenant Governor also took time to chat with the public, tour the historic Midland Public Library, and see everything the MPL has to offer our residents. To learn more about "Speaking of Democracy," and what programs the Midland Public Library offers, visit them at

@downtown_midland @townofmidland @lgontario #midlandon #midlandontario #midlandpubliclibrary #speakingofdemocracy #lieutenantgovernor

Downtown Midland in Midland
On November 02 at 1:53 PM
You may have seen Look Local's magazine around town, now that they have expanded to Simcoe County. The current edition features our beautiful Downtown Midland!
The issue is now online too. Visit
We'll see you Downtown! 💙

#looklocal #looklocalmagazine #simcoecounty #midlandon #midlandontario #downtownmidland #downtownmidlandon #downtownmidlandbia #seeyoudowntown

Downtown Midland in Midland
On November 02 at 12:42 PM
"Roberta & Wesley Douglas are the proud new owners of Georgian Bakery🥰

You may recognize us from across the road as we are the faces of @royalteaonking and also if you have been for some camping with us @bell.falls

Our newest adventure has begun and we are very excited 😊
Looking forward to welcoming you all to the bakery !!
We will be open today as I know many of you popped by yesterday in hopes of grabbing your freshly baked breads or donuts; but please stay tuned for some details of a special grand re-opening in the near future 😉"

#georgianbakery #downtownmidlandon
#togetherwearedowntownmidland #royalteaonking #bellfallsfamilycampground #downtownmidland

Downtown Midland in Midland
On November 01 at 4:12 PM
Some messages are truly wisdom.
This delicious piece can be found at Cabin Boy 251 King Street in Downtown Midland.

@downtown_midland #cabinboy #midlandmessages #lifestooshort #eatthecookies #downtownmidlandbia #downtownmidlandon #midlandon #seeyoudowntown

Downtown Midland in Midland
On October 31 at 2:31 PM
Happy Halloween from the Downtown Midland BIA!

@downtownmidland #midlandon #downtownmidlandon #downtownmidlandbia #halloween #trickortreat #happyhalloween

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