Downtown Midland in Midland
On August 03 at 11:00 AM
Step into Georgian View Shoppes and you will find a variety of businesses offering shopping and services.

At the front of this Mini-Mall, you see two Georgian View Charms n' Boutique colourful shops. One side offers consignment and new clothing, as well as, jewelry, gems, and gifts. The other side is the extra fun side, with charms, custom mugs, and candy!

As you walk down the mall, you will see a beautiful mural of a Marina at sunset, painted by resident artist, Janet Thorpe. As well as art, Janet offers healing services and massage therapy, located at the far entrance.

New to this location, but in business for over 25 years, Infinite Solutions offers trusted insight and experience with taxes, book-keeping, and consulting services.

Looking for a new look or to freshen up your current style, visit Sherri's Place in the centre of the plaza. This comfortable location offers friendly one-on-one attention and service.

In business for over 25 years in Downtown Midland, Alternative Nails & Skin, has relocated to this new home. Specializing in gel manis, spa pedis, waxing and tinting too.

To get in touch with any of these valued businesses, visit them at Georgian View Shoppes in Downtown Midland or with them directly.

#georgianviewshoppes #georgianviewcharmsnboutique #janetthorpe #janethealingservices #infinitesolutions #sherrisplace #alternativenails #downtownmidland #downtownmidlandon #midlandon #downtownmidlandbia

Downtown Midland in Midland
On July 28 at 2:13 PM
And just like that, the flowers were watered and the rain clouds were gone.
Hello sunshine and blue skies! 🌀
We'll see you Downtown! πŸ’™

#downtownmidland #summer #summerweather #midlandon #seeyoudowntown #seeyoudowntownmidlandon

Downtown Midland in Midland
On July 28 at 2:09 PM
Go Jump in the Bay
Ok! Any day!

We love this message from Saturday Afternoons because we love Georgian Bay! …and that sofa, oh and those cushions too!

#gojumpinthebay #georgianbay #southerngeorgianbay #downtownmidland #midlandon #downtownmidlandbia #midlandmessages

Downtown Midland in Midland
On July 27 at 10:34 AM
Take a stroll in Downtown Midland and you will find a variety of places to sit outside and sample some tasty treats.
Here are a few to try on your next visit.

We'll see you Downtown! πŸ’™

Pictured here:
RoyalTea on King
Olive Oil Co., Inc. Barrie-Newmarket-Midland
MegaMindful Living
The Elegant Gourmet

#downtownmidland #midlandon #downtownmidlandbia #patioweather #patioseason #royalteaonking #oliveoilco #megamindfulliving #theelegantgourmet #elegantgourmet

Downtown Midland in Midland
On July 20 at 12:10 PM
Rib Fest will be here THIS weekend! πŸ‘

Join in the festivities as The Northern Heat Rib Series stops in Midland, Ontario, on this, the Largest North American RibFest Tour! There will be food, refreshments, and entertainment!

David Onley Park, 475 Bayshore Drive, by the Midland Harbour.

PLUS the Tall Ships will be here too!
See these historic ships in Midland's Harbour, on their tour of the Great Lakes.

What a weekend for Midland!
We'll see you Downtown!

#northernheatribfest #tallshipchallenge2022 #ribfest #tallships #downtownmidland #midlandon #seeyoudowntown

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