Global Pet Foods in Midland
On August 14 at 2:52 PM
Omega oils are a popular supplement for both people and pets. Find out more about the fantastic benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in this recent blog from Global Pet Foods:

Global Pet Foods in Midland
On August 13 at 8:32 AM
Keep your pet safe, secure and stylish!#GlobalPetsMidland has a great selection of leashes, collars and harnesses for your four-legged friends! Come in and see our wide assortment at 268 King Street in beautiful Downtown Midland.

Global Pet Foods in Midland
On August 08 at 8:00 AM
Today is #InternationalCatDay! #GlobalPetsMidland loves our felines of all shapes and sizes. Share your cute kitties in the comments and let's celebrate!

Global Pet Foods in Midland
On August 06 at 10:03 AM
As we lead up to tomorrow's International Cat Day, let's look at why All you Need is Loveand a Cat!'t forget that every Wednesday is #CatDay at #GlobalPetsMidland, with 10% off everything your cat wants and needs.

Global Pet Foods in Midland
On August 06 at 10:03 AM
"Cats don't sweat!"This is FALSE! Cats have sweat glands in their paws which help to cool them down. Cats also lick their coats to cool down which is why your cat may groom himself more in the summer.

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