Children's Aid Society

8 years ago

my review for midland cas is not good i did not get appropriate help as i needed for my mental health children instead all fingers pointed at mom i required support groups to meet my childrens needed and meet thier behaviors right on instead i recieve a resource worker who has not training in children with adhd you cant use same strategies for parenting next the social worker discussed thier plans of removing my children with my child as my child came and told me of her plans all before i got thier supposed help from thier not so useful resource worker who in my case was not whats needed i am working with society workers in toronto and they are pointing me in the direction i need to go for my children and they are aware and trined in children with disorders midland ont should take lessons oh by the the way i still got custody to all my children and they are much better off cause now they are getting the help i was required next time dont point fingers at the parents midland ont you get thumbs down all the way you need more experianced staff and anyone dealing with you iwould tell them to run away cause you suck from a good mom thanks